Friday, November 13, 2009

What do you think about these facts about Muslim women in the U.S.?

Four Surprising Facts

Revealed in The Face Behind the Veil

* American Muslim Women Are Among the Most Diverse in

the World

American Muslim Women hail from 77 countries.

Indeed, most are not Arabs, but South Asians. Many are

African Americans tracing their ancestry to Muslim

slaves brought to America by the slave traders. A

growing number of Anglos and Hispanic women are

finding their spiritual home in Islam. Muslim women

are also diverse in how they practice their faith:

Many do not wear the hijab, for example.

* Muslim Women in America Are Not Downtrodden

Most Muslim women profiled in the book have

college educations and work outside the home. One

study shows that Muslim families have an average

household income of $75,000, making them among the

most affluent in America. For the most part, Muslim

women here are not the downtrodden who are seen on

nightly newscasts in Europe or Third World countries.

The women profiled in the book say Islam promotes

learning and that is why so many Muslim women are

educated. Even Muslim refugee women, denied an

education, are eager to learn once in America. And

they make sure their children have the education they

didn't have.

* America has influenced Islam -- and Muslim women.

America's Islam is not Europe's, South Asia's

or the Middle East's. Many American mosques have

become a gathering place, from hosting Brownie troops

to Weight Watchers. Many Christians who converted to

Islam, particularly African Americans, hold religious

classes and services on Sunday, even though they still

go to Islam's traditional Friday prayers. America's

influence is also why there is such a fight for equal

treatment in the mosques here. While some women, such

as in Pakistan and other South Asia countries are used

to not going to religious services, American women

aren't. They want the same facilities, the same

treatment in the mosque as men receive.

* Technology has helped spread Islam across America

American Muslims have used the Internet to

strengthen their faith. Muslim women can now buy

whatever hijab or gowns they want on the Internet. Or

they can chat online why they chose not to wear any

sort of scarf. They can find a mate on a matchmaking

website. They can study the Quran on the web or join

Muslim groups. Although they may be the only Muslim

family in Smallville, they are only a click away from

finding other Muslims like themselves throughout the

United States.

What do you think about these facts about Muslim women in the U.S.?
Islam is growing and spreading , this is fantastic. it seems the more the media demonizes Islam, the more people convert to Islam. western media in their bid to cast Islam in a bad light, has had the reverse effect.
Reply:I have found the net to be of invaluable help in my life as a Muslim. It was a great source of knowledge and support since there are no Muslims where I live.

As for clothing, I wear western clothing still but it is modest by any Muslim standards. I love the shalmar kameez. I love the swish of a long skirt, and the comfort of the scarf. The net has been a great source of clothing. Quality gypsy clothing and good business wear that fit the Muslim standards are hard to find but on the net there are many options.

So i would say you are pretty right on in your assessment. I am Canadian and reverted just over a year ago now. But remember, sister, you speak of American Sisters. It is not so good for our sisters in the Middle East. In some countries they have a good deal of freedom. Here I think of Turkey and Iran and Lebanon and Jordan and Egypt and India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Women do quite well there on the whole.

But there are always exceptions.

Sanobar, 11-years-old girl is abducted and raped by warlords

Women in Afghanistan
Reply:Hear Hear! finally something that describes Muslim women as strong human being and not suppressed barely human hysterical females who have nothing better to do then say yes master no master to her husband.....

I agree, Islamic women are changing a lot and very fast which is good.
Reply:What is your point? Yes the U.S. is a great place to live and better for women than the middle east. Reason? Because no one religion is the religion of our country. Because Sharia law is not our law!! We have freedom here. When I think of Muslim, it is not the American Muslims that I think of. It is the macho sexist violent ones in the Middle East.
Reply:good stuff. too many Americans proudly wrap themselves in their own ignorance. They do a disservice to themselves, their country and fellow Americans they dishonestly cast in a negative light.

The culture of ignorance in this country is frightening.
Reply:Thank you for sharing this I enjoy hearing how strong Muslim women are trying to make a difference.
Reply:Ignore the ignorance bigots above.

I am proud to know that Muslim women around the world actually are faring better....

By Allah grace....
Reply:It means that American Muslims have learned to live with religious freedom and respect secular laws.

Now if you could only get the radical 10% of Islam to feel the same way, and not approve of suicide bombers as martyrs, desire the destruction of Western civilization, or burn flags over the Danish cartoons.
Reply:uh and the point of this is?

Care? What about successful scientologists like Tom Cruise? Any progress a person makes is based on religion? I would say any progress is made despite religion.
Reply:I second Atheists motion.

Beside. I made an attempt to try and understand your claims by asking what should I wear to stand in at the Mosque tomorrow, and no one answered. So, it proves my point. I tried.

Now, I will just continue to do as I have always... read your koran and hadith and take it for face value as it says what it says. Every other page is about killing. Seriously. And 4:34...don't even get me started.
Reply:they can burn

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