Monday, April 12, 2010

God does exist here Scientific proof?


The existence of God is a subject that has occupied schools of philosophy and theology for thousands of years. Most of the time, these debates have revolved around all kinds of assumptions and definitions. Philosophers will spend a lifetime arguing about the meaning of a word and never really get there. One is reminded of the college student who was asked how his philosophy class was going. He replied that they had not done much because when the teacher tried to call roll, the kids kept arguing about whether they existed or not.

Most of us who live and work in the real world do not concern ourselves with such activities. We realize that such discussions may have value and interest in the academic world, but the stress and pressure of day-to-day life forces us to deal with a very pragmatic way of making decisions. If I ask you to prove to me that you have $2.00, you would show it to me. Even in more abstract things we use common sense and practical reasoning. If I ask you whether a certain person is honest or not, you do not flood the air with dissertations on the relative nature of honesty; you would give me evidence one way or the other. The techniques of much of the philosophical arguments that go on would eliminate most of engineering and technology if they were applied in those fields.

The purpose of this brief study is to offer a logical, practical, pragmatic proof of the existence of God from a purely scientific perspective. To do this, we are assuming that we exist, that there is reality, and that the matter of which we are made is real. If you do not believe that you exist, you have bigger problems than this study will entail and you will have to look elsewhere.


If we do exist, there are only two possible explanations as to how our existence came to be. Either we had a beginning or we did not have a beginning. The Bible says, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" (Genesis 1 :1). The atheist has always maintained that there was no beginning. The idea is that matter has always existed in the form of either matter or energy; and all that has happened is that matter has been changed from form to

form, but it has always been. The Humanist Manifesto says, "Matter is self-existing and not created," and that is a concise statement of the atheist's belief.

The way we decide whether the atheist is correct or not is to see what science has discovered about this question. The picture below on the left represents our part of the cosmos. Each of the disk shaped objects is a galaxy like our Milky Way. All of these galaxies are moving relative to each other. Their movement has a very distinct pattern which causes the distance between the galaxies to get greater with every passing day. If we had three galaxies located at positions A, B. and C in the second diagram below, and if they are located as shown, tomorrow they will be further apart. The triangle they form will be bigger. The day after tomorrow the triangle will be bigger yet. We live in an expanding universe that gets bigger and bigger and bigger with every passing day.

Now let us suppose that we made time run backwards! If we are located at a certain distance today, then yesterday we were closer together. The day before that, we were still closer. Ultimately, where must all the galaxies have been? At a point! At the beginning! At what scientists call a singularity!

A second proof is seen in the energy sources that fuel the cosmos. The picture to the right is a picture of the sun. Like all stars, the sun generates its energy by a nuclear process known as thermonuclear fusion. Every second that passes, the sun compresses 564 million tons of hydrogen into 560 million tons of helium with 4 million tons of matter released as energy. In spite of that tremendous consumption of fuel, the sun has only used up 2% of the hydrogen it had the day it came into existence. This incredible furnace is not a process confined to the sun. Every star in the sky generates its energy in the same way. Throughout the cosmos there are 25 quintillion stars, each converting hydrogen into helium, thereby reducing the total amount of hydrogen in the cosmos. Just think about it! If everywhere in the cosmos hydrogen is being consumed and if the process has been going on forever, how much hydrogen should be left?

Suppose I attempt to drive my automobile without putting any more gas (fuel) into it. As I drive and drive, what is eventually going to happen? I am going to run out of gas I If the cosmos has been here forever, we would have run out of hydrogen long ago! The fact is, however, that the sun still has 98% of its original hydrogen. The fact is that hydrogen is the most abundant material in the universe! Everywhere we look in space we can see the hydrogen 21 cm line in the spectrum_a piece of light only given off by hydrogen. This could not be unless we had a beginning!

A third scientific proof that the atheist is wrong is seen in the second law of thermodynamics. In any closed system, things tend to become disordered. If an automobile is driven for years and years without repair, for example, it will become so disordered that it would not run any more. Getting old is simple conformity to the second law of thermodynamics. In space, things also get old. Astronomers refer to the aging process as heat death. If the cosmos is "everything that ever was or is or ever will be," as Dr. Carl Sagan is so fond of saying, nothing could be added to it to improve its order or repair it. Even a universe that expands and collapses and expands again forever would die because it would lose light and heat each time it expanded and rebounded.

The atheist's assertion that matter/energy is eternal is scientifically wrong. The biblical assertion that there was a beginning is scientifically correct.


If we know the creation has a beginning, we are faced with another logical question_was the creation caused or was it not caused? The Bible states, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Not only does the Bible maintain that there was a cause_a creation_but it also tells us what the cause was. It was God. The atheist tells us that "matter is self-existing and not created." If matter had a beginning and yet was uncaused, one must logically maintain that something would have had to come into existence out of nothing. From empty space with no force, no matter, no energy, and no intelligence, matter would have to become existent. Even if this could happen by some strange new process unknown to science today, there is a logical problem.

In order for matter to come out of nothing, all of our scientific laws dealing with the conservation of matter/energy would have to be wrong, invalidating all of chemistry. All of our laws of conservation of angular momentum would have to be wrong, invalidating all of physics. All of our laws of conservation of electric charge would have to be wrong, invalidating all of electronics and demanding that your TV set not work!! Your television set may not work, but that is not the reason! In order to believe matter is uncaused, one has to discard known laws and principles of science. No reasonable person is going to do this simply to maintain a personal atheistic position.

The atheist's assertion that matter is eternal is wrong. The atheist's assertion that the universe is uncaused and selfexisting is also incorrect The Bible's assertion that there was a beginning which was caused is supported strongly by the available scientific evidence.


If we know that the creation had a beginning and we know that the beginning was caused, there is one last question for us to answer--what was the cause? The Bible tells us that God was the cause. We are further told that the God who did the causing did so with planning and reason and logic. Romans 1:20 tells us that we can know God is

"through the things he has made." The atheist, on the other hand, will try to convince us that we are the product of chance. Julian Huxley once said:

We are as much a product of blind forces as is the falling of a stone to earth or the ebb and flow of the tides. We have just happened, and man was made flesh by a long series of singularly beneficial accidents.

The subject of design has been one that has been explored in many different ways. For most of us, simply looking at our newborn child is enough to rule out chance. Modern-day scientists like Paul Davies and Frederick Hoyle and others are raising elaborate objections to the use of chance in explaining natural phenomena. A principle of modern science has emerged in the 1980s called "the anthropic principle." The basic thrust of the anthropic principle is that chance is simply not a valid mechanism to explain the atom or life. If chance is not valid, we are constrained to reject Huxley's claim and to realize that we are the product of an intelligent God.


We have seen a practical proof of God's existence in this brief study. A flood of questions arise at this point. Which God are we talking about? Where did God come from? Why did God create us? How did God create us?

All of these and many more are answered in the same way_by looking at the evidence in a practical, common sense way. If you are interested in pursuing these things in more detail, we invite you to contact us. We have books, audio tapes, video tapes, correspondence courses, and booklets available and all can be obtained on loan without cost. Just request our catalog from:


God does exist here Scientific proof?
Looks more like a speach than a question. First we need to determine which God we are talking about here. Are you referring to the real God, the unconditionally loving God who we are all a part of? This is the one Jesus was talking about when he said the kingdom of God is within you. The one who is our dearest friend and closest companion.

Or are we talking about the angry little judgmental God that lives on some far off cloud called heaven. The one who seems to be more concerned with our errors than he is with our successes? You know the egocentric needy little God that always wants people to worship him. The one who is always unavailable because he is only a fantasy? You need to specify if you want a real answer.
Reply:How do you know that pain exists? Can you taste it, smell it, see it, or hear it? No, but you can feel it. That is how I know that god exists. I can feel him!!! Report It

Reply:There is only one God who worth to be worshiped and the human limited brain fails to think of any form and shape for God. Report It

Reply:There really no need to philosophically prove anything. Our Creator is manifest to those who have acknowleged Him. Report It

Reply:actually this is completely unscientific Report It

Reply:There is 0% proof that god exists and there is 0% proof that he doesn't. For anyone to believe other wise is to be delusional. The bible has no answers on the origins of god. It is a book written by man and servers as zero physical and scientific evidence of a god. Report It

Reply:heck yes he if he did not exist how was the world the first 2 humans all creatures LIFE and u no what u are sounding alot like a jew in the new testamnt they were making up lies saying the miricles were just friends of Jesus who not really ill so the anwser to your ? is yes y hate on bush at least he is not a democrate baby killer
Reply:I did not read your dissertation/essay. Way tooooooooooo long!

Of course God exists. I just have to look out my window and see the Rocky Mountains or any of His creation. I just have to listen to the birds in the morning. See the selfless sacrificial works of kindness people do. Feel the emotion and joy of a gospel song. God is everywhere. If you don't sense God everywhere (or anywhere) you are sleepwalking through this life. Wake up!
Reply:Take a look around you from where you sit. You will notice that everything in the room is ‘made’: the walls, the upholstery, the ceiling, the chair where you sit, the book you hold in your hand, the glass on the table and countless other details. None of them happen to exist in your room of their own accord. Even the simple loops of the carpet were made by someone: they did not appear spontaneously or by chance.

A person who is about to read a book knows that it has been written by an author for a specific reason. It would not even occur to him that this book might have come into being by chance. In the same manner, a person who sees a sculpture has no doubt whatsoever that it was made by a sculptor. And not just works of art: even a few bricks resting on top of one another make one think that they must have been brought to rest just so by someone within a certain plan. Therefore, everywhere where there is an order – either small or big – a founder and protector of this order must also exist. If, one day, somebody came forward and said that raw iron and coal came together to form steel by chance, which in turn constructed the Eiffel Tower again by chance, would not he and those who believed him be regarded as insane?

The claim of the theory of evolution, the unique method of denying the existence of Allah(God), is no different than this. According to the theory, inorganic molecules formed amino acids by chance, amino acids formed proteins by chance, and finally proteins formed living creatures again by chance. However, the probability of a living creature being formed by coincidence is less than the probability of the Eiffel Tower being formed in the same manner, because even the simplest human cell is more sophisticated than any man-made structure in the world.

How is it possible to think that the balance in the world came about by coincidence when the extraordinary harmony of nature is observable even with the naked eye? It is the most unreasonable claim to say that the universe, each point of which suggests the existence of its Creator, has come into being on its own.

Therefore, there should be an owner of the balance visible everywhere from our body to the farthest corners of the inconceivably vast universe. So, who is this Creator that ordained everything so subtly and created all?

He cannot be any material being present within the universe, because His must be a will that existed before the universe and created the universe thereupon. The Almighty Creator is One Whom everything finds existence, yet Whose existence is without any beginning or end.

Religion teaches us the identity of our Creator Whose existence we discover with our reason. Through what He has revealed to us as religion, we know that He is Allah, the Compassionate and the Merciful, Who created the heavens and the earth from nothing.

Although most people have the capability to grasp this fact, they spend their lives unaware of it. When they look at a landscape painting, they wonder who its painter is. Later, they praise the artist at length for his beautiful work of art. Despite the fact that they face numerous originals of that painting the moment they turn around, they still disregard the existence of Allah, Who is the only owner of all these beauties. In truth, not even a lengthy research is needed to understand the existence of Allah. Even if one had to live in a room from the time he was born, countless pieces of evidence in this room alone would be enough for him to grasp the existence of Allah.

The human body so overflows with evidence that it could not be contained in many

multivolume encyclopaedias. Even giving a few minutes of conscientious thought to it all is enough to understand the existence of Allah. The present order is protected by Allah and maintained by Him.

The human body is not the only food for thought. Life abides in every square millimetre of the earth, be it observable by men or not. The world overflows with many living beings, from unicellular organisms to plants, from insects to sea animals, and from birds to human beings. If you take a handful of soil and look at it, even therein you can discover manifold living creatures with diverse characteristics. The same is true also for the air you breathe. Even on your skin, there are many living creatures whose names are unknown to you. In the intestines of all living beings are millions of bacteria or unicellular organisms that help digestion. The animal population in the world is many times greater than the human population. When we also consider the plant world, we see that there is not a single spot on the earth where there is no life. All of these creatures that are spread over an area of millions of square kilometres have different body systems, different lives and different contributions to the ecological balance. It is preposterous to claim that all these have come into existence by chance with no aim or purpose. No living being has come to exist through its own accord or effort. No coincidental happening can ever result in such complicated systems.

All of this evidence leads us to the conclusion that the universe works with a certain ‘consciousness’. What, then, is the source of this consciousness? Surely it is neither the living nor the non-living beings in it. Nor can they be the ones that maintain the harmony and preserve the order. The existence and glory of Allah reveals itself in countless proofs in the universe. In fact, there is not even a single man on the earth who will not accept this evident reality from the heart. Yet they still deny it ‘in iniquity and arrogance though their souls are convinced thereof’ as stated in the Qur'an. (Surat an-Naml, 14)


Have you ever thought about the fact that you did not exist before you were conceived and then born into the world and that you have come into existence from mere nothingness?

Have you ever thought about how the flowers you see in your living room everyday come out of pitch black, muddy soil with fragrant smells and are as colourful as they are?

Have you ever thought about how mosquitoes, which irritatingly fly around you, move their wings so fast that we are unable to see them?

Have you ever thought about how the peels of fruits such as bananas, watermelons, melons and oranges serve as wrappings of high quality, and how the fruits are packed in these wrappings so that they maintain their taste and fragrance?

Have you ever thought about the possibility that while you are asleep a sudden earthquake could raze your home, your office, and your city to the ground and that in a few seconds you could lose everything of the world you possess?

Have you ever thought of how your life passes away very quickly, and that you will grow old and become weak, and slowly lose your beauty, health and strength?

Have you ever thought about how one day you will find the angels of death appointed by Allah (God) before you and that you will then leave this world?

Well, have you ever thought about why people are so attached to a world from which they will soon depart when what they basically need is to strive for the hereafter?

Man is a being whom Allah furnishes with the faculty of thought. Yet, most people do not use this very important faculty as they should. In fact, some people almost never think.

In truth, each person possesses a capacity for thought of which even he himself is unaware. Once man begins to use this capacity, facts he has not been able to realise until that very moment begin to be uncovered for him. The deeper he goes in reflection, the more his capacity to think improves, and this is possible for everyone. One just has to realise that one needs to reflect and then to strive hard.

Someone who does not think will remain totally distant from truths and lead his life in self-deception and error. As a result, he will not grasp the purpose of the creation of the world, and the reason for his existence on the earth. Yet, Allah has created everything with a purpose. This fact is stated in the Qur'an as follows:

We did not create the heavens and the earth and everything between them as a game. We did not create them except with truth but most of them do not know it. (Surat ad-Dukhan: 38-39)

Did you suppose that We created you for amusement and that you would not return to Us? (Surat al-Muminun: 115)

Therefore, each person needs to ponder the purpose of creation, first as it concerns him himself, and then as it pertains to everything he sees in the universe and every event he experiences throughout his life. Someone who does not think, will understand the facts only after he dies, when he gives account before Allah, but then it will be too late. Allah says in the Qur'an that on the day of account, everybody will think and see the truth:

That day Hell is produced, that day man will remember; but how will the remembrance help him?

He will say, "Oh! If only I had prepared in advance for this life of mine!" (Surat al-Fajr: 23-24)

While Allah has given us a chance in the life of this world to reflect and derive conclusions from our reflections, to see the truth will bring us great gain in our life in the hereafter. For this reason, Allah has summoned all people, through His prophets and books, to reflect on their creation and on the creation of the universe:

Have they not reflected within themselves? Allah did not create the heavens and the earth and everything between them except with truth and for a fixed term. Yet many people reject the meeting with their Lord. (Surat ar-Rum: 8)


The Truth of This Life:


Allah (God) is Known Through Reason:


The Nightmare Of Disbelief:


Jesus (PBUH) Did Not Die:


Millions of Proofs that Refute Darwinism


Jesus Will Return:


Evolution Deceit:


Never Plead Ignorance:


Never Forget


Not By Chance:




Signs Of God:


The Collapse Of The Theory Of Evolution In 20 Questions:




Our Messengers Say


The Disasters Darwinism Brought To Humanity:


A Definitive Reply To Evolutionist Propaganda:


The Signs of Jesus' (pbuh) Second Coming:


Main Reference:


Two wonderful VIDEOS:


The miracle of man's creation (video):

Related site:


Other Islamic references:



Reply:NO. God do not exist. It's just a human mind creation. People believe in GOD becoz they are fearing from their destruction.
Reply:Good article. I answered a similar question like this :-Upon discovery of gravity, Isaac Newton concluded the universe must be infinite for the cosmic bodies not to attract each other and form one big body. The infinite argument would mean that the gravitational forces from different directions are in balance.

From the observations of Hubble, we came to conclude that the universe is expanding. The main reason for this is observed red shift. An expanding universe should only have started from a singularity. However, every singularity has an event horizon. A sphere beyond which any matter traveling "upwards" from the centre of the body even at the speed of light would be pulled back.

The universe starting from one point would mean the greatest intensity of gravity possible. Our current universe would not have escaped such gravity no matter how big the bang unless the matter started off at a speed higher than that of light..

Secondly how did life on earth start from dead matter? Aren’t dead materials more stable than live ones? Isn’t this against the law of entropy?
Reply:yes he does exist but modern Western science cant touch the proof,the science to prove existence of the lord doesn't exist and never will, you can only prove by effect and thats open to scrutiny
Reply:God does exist. The question is - Do you?
Reply:As with most spiritual/religious debaters (myself included) out there, your attempts to prove your point are flawed from the onset, and then proceed to clean up the flaw by a heavy dose of clean logic. Lucky for most of us in the advanced debate games that the masses (of the public) are not educated enough in critical thinking to see what hit them before they bite the bait, and run away hooked on the new "truth". Surprising how well you know what goes on in a philosophy class, but either you didn't learn much while you were in there, or you learned plenty and are exploiting the holes in man's mind. (Probably that latter, as this is commonly used in persuasive speaking and writing)

Again, while you show clean logic through most of your lengthy "question", you committed the big boo-boo of philosophy class from the onset--The logical fallacy --in your case "The False Dilemma"

---"If we do exist, there are only two possible explanations as to how our existence came to be. Either we had a beginning or we did not have a beginning."

How about any other possiblities? None you say. Well, there are. Or--How about a just a hybrid of just both of your possiblities?

How about 'we have a beginning and an end then a new beginning and a new end, and then another new begining and another new end'. probable? May, maybe not. Possible? Absolutely! With a third or fourth possibility (5th, 6th,7th) out there your arguments of logic premised with a false dilemma wane in there persuasiveness.

Additionally some aspects of Argumentum Ad Ignorantiam seem to slip in in your analysis of Huxley.

"--If chance is not valid, we are constrained to reject Huxley's claim and to realize that we are the product of an intelligent God."

While I may or may not believe or agree with you in regards to Huxley (actually I'll go along with Huxley), your assertion that we are "constrained" to believe an alternative proposition is reaching at best.

Also, it's a bit cheezy to come on line under the guise of asking a question, with the obvious goal to intstead change people's minds on a proposition, and offer more of the same through your organization's media.

family dentists

Read this!!! and make a Reaction!!!?

The Bible is not a reliable guide to Christ’s teachings. Mark, the oldest of the Gospels, was written at least 30 years after Christ’s death, and the newest of them might have been written more than 200 years after his death. These texts have been amended, translated, and re-translated so often that it’s extremely difficult to gauge the accuracy of current editions—even aside from the matter of the accuracy of texts written decades or centuries after the death of their subject. This is such a problem that the Jesus Seminar, a colloquium of over 200 Protestant Gospel scholars mostly employed at religious colleges and seminaries, undertook in 1985 a multi-year investigation into the historicity of the statements and deeds attributed to Jesus in the New Testament. They concluded that only 18% of the statements and 16% of the deeds attributed to Jesus had a high likelihood of being historically accurate. So, in a very real sense fundamentalists—who claim to believe in the literal truth of the Bible—are not followers of Jesus Christ; rather, they are followers of those who, decades or centuries later, put words in his mouth.

19. The Bible, Christianity’s basic text, is riddled with contradictions. There are a number of glaring contradictions in the Bible, in both the Old and New Testaments, and including some within the same books. A few examples:

". . . God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man."


"And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham."

(Genesis 22:1)

". . . for I am merciful, saith the Lord, and I will not keep anger forever."

(Jeremiah 3:12)

"Ye have kindled a fire in mine anger, which shall burn forever. Thus saith the Lord."

(Jeremiah 17:4)

"If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true."

(John 5:31, J.C. speaking)

"I am one that bear witness of myself . . ."

(John 8:18, J.C. speaking)

and last but not least:

"I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved."

(Genesis 32:30)

"No man hath seen God at any time."

(John 1:18)

"And I [God] will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts . . ."

(Exodus 33:23)

Christian apologists typically attempt to explain away such contradictions by claiming that the fault lies in the translation, and that there were no contradictions in the original text. It’s difficult to see how this could be so, given how direct many biblical contradictions are; but even if these Christian apologetics held water, it would follow that every part of the Bible should be as suspect as the contradictory sections, thus reinforcing the previous point: that the Bible is not a reliable guide to Christ’s words.

Read this!!! and make a Reaction!!!?
Hashiman S

Level 1

Read this!!! and make a Reaction!!!?

I would say: Hashiman S, is a Level 1, with no signs of progressing.


Reply:You have entirely too much time on your hand. If you believe the lies perpetrated by the so called Jesus seminar then I'll bet your as big a nerd as you are an imbicile and probably need to do something about that terrible skin condition....get a life weenee
Reply:Is this supposed to be a question?

It seems you're just trying to invalidate Christianity.

Please stop trying to take the Christ out of Christianity, that's what the anti-Christ does.

Also, please stop disguising your preaching and evangelism in the form of a question. That is a violation of the Yahoo Q%26amp;A Community Guidleines and is considered abuse. In fact, I won't be surprised if this "question" generates many abuse reports. Please play by the rules. If you have a question, ask it. If you're just trying to refute someone's religion to promote your own, you might want to reevalute your own religion.

Reply:My reaction, I disagree. All the Gospels were written within a period of 30 years or so from the crucifixion. Evidence to that is what is written in the text, and also what is left out. The Gospels talk about the temple as still standing, which was destroyed in 70 AD. There was the Jewish revolt in 68 AD. James, the brother of Jesus, and the head priest of Jerusalem, was killed in 64 AD. None of the important events were mentioned in the Gospels. Why? They hadn't occurred yet.

The earliest manuscripts we have found show that today's translations are nearly 100% correct, despite what your cut and paste heresy says. There are no contradictions in the Bible, but you have to read them in the context where they are found. And no reputable Christian apologist ever used the excuses you gave. I suggest you read the Bible, and not the lies that are corrupting your mind.
Reply:Get yourself a Bible and then get a Strong's Concordance and read, see how accurate it is then. But get a good Bible, not one that has been written in plain English.
Reply:hmmm... good point though.. i'll try to look it up.

but still the bible has so many hidden messages and multiple meanings. God won't permit to mislead us. i believe in his word. sometimes its just hard to understand
Reply:there is hindu %26amp; buddhist version of jesus-the enlightened one a person who writes about ancient Egypt in this day and age.....taking information from others who have written about it.....this person is just full of it? We are to not believe anything they say, right? One could make this arguement about any historical texts. Most were written and retranslated many times over and are heavy on opinion. I don't know why we don't have this arguement about all of history, and not just the Bible.
Reply:Actually, the LAST book to be written was written in 96 A.D. by the Apostle John of Patmos. This is not the same John of "Matthew, Mark, Luke and John" but another elderly man who received a vision and wrote it down for the churches in the Middle East. So, we know for a fact that the lastest was written in 96 A.D., thanks for trying to mess with people's heads tho!

#1 - Actually James 1:13 reads: When under trial, let no one say; "I am beind tried by God." For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone.

And God didn't try individuals, he used satan's to do that work (see Job 1:12; Heb. 4:15; Heb. 5:8; 1 Pet. 1:7).

#2 - Also, the verses in Jeremiah are a warning to Israel that they should listen to their God and serve him and not for HIM TO SERVE THEM. He was begging them to return to His worship and we see in Chapter 17 we see Jehovah finally giving them up because he refuses to be "their servant when they should be His."

When he said "he would NOT KEEP HIS ANGER FOREVER, that WAS ON CONTINGENT THAT THEY RETURN TO HIS WORSHIP! This is in no way a contradiction!!! He was saying "return to me and all will be forgotten." They didn't, so personally, as God it was within his right to cast them off.

#3 - There is/was a law that you needed 2 witnesses to an event, so Christ could not witness for himself. This scripture (John 5:31 also refers to Luke 10:16) LOL, NICE TRY, instead of starting at John 8:18 were going to start at John 8:17 where it says: 17 Also, in your own Law it is written, "The witness of two men is true." 18 I am one that bears witness about myself, and the Father who sent me bears witness about me." (see John 5:37; 2 Pet. 1:17; 1 Jo. 5:9).

So again, no cigar, but nice try. There were two this time to be witnesses.

#4 - This last one is just too simple. The fact is every Christian knows to this day that NO ONE HAS SEEN GOD BUT THE RISEN CHRIST.

All others who have seen God have seen his representative Angels, Messengers coming "in his name." In essence, when they come, they ARE GOD because He says they come in His name, therefore they have His authority and command and His FORCE behind them. For all intents and purposes I would treat them as I would God Himself unless they told me otherwise. And they always do.

The fault doesn't lie in the translation, IT LIES WITH YOU. You simply WISH for something to be true so much that you will make it so, even if you have to "force facts to your will."
Reply:All you blind "believers" think about this......God did not give you a brain to follow blindly. You were given a brain to think, question, wonder....and to not know for sure. It's o.k. to say, "I don't know". If God wanted us to know for sure, he would make it totally obvious. There are many religions in the world, how do you know that your's is the right one? Because your mom said? Nothing worse than a 20 something year old idiot that says they know for sure......HA!
Reply:The contradictions are mistranslations or %26lt;hapoxlagamma%26gt; SP
Reply:Oh, really, you think so? Hm. Well, I disagree.

That's my "reaction".
Reply:The Bible is also a written book.

Where is your LIVING account of what God does in your life everyday and the things He speaks to your heart and the things He teaches you and how He leads you each day?

God is a LIVING GOD.

If He is not your God, you would not understand this. You can't.
Reply:What makes your references So accurate?
Reply:When was the last time God came down to edit His galleries?
Reply:You are not asking anything....You just have an axe to grind.

Has God done something bad to you? (or maybe a Priest?)
Reply:I would never have to go into such detail to clarify this. These particular scriptures were taken out of context. Randomly accusing God here and there is exactly how the devil operates.
Reply:We are not to argue the Word of God, but simply believe it for it is and means to Christianity.

I'd advise you to keep these questions in a journal and ask God for yourself after you die.
Reply:The pharases were strict about keeping the law....they were strict about these things....and many others get lost in their philosphies and logical arguements. I would say this to you need logic to beilieve in christ as the only begotten son who died for our sins and was resurrected...i say that this is a matter of faith and not of logic at all. IF you beileeve that he was the son of god who died for your sins and was resurrected then you will be saved....believe in your heart and confess with your mouth these things. Then you will need to educate yourself in what it means to be in Christ. i see that you like logc....have you tried faith?
Reply:Yeah and neither is the Qu'ran a reliable account of Mohammed's words because he did not did not write the Qu'ran.

It was also written by men claiming they knew what the will of God was.

One could say the same on all counts about the Qu'ran that it is full of falsehoodsand contradicitions. like the division of inheritance where the fractions do not add up to a whole.

And I suppose you will say this verse is a mistranslation as well,

"Fight and slay the Unbelievers wherever ye find them. Seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war."

Qur'an, Sura 9:5
Reply:I stopped trying to figure out all of that. I'm just happy knowing that there is someone up there looking out for me. If he isn't real like so many say, then at lest I'm living a good life. If he is there, then I did right. No matter what way you look at it, its all good. :)
Reply:um wow u sure right alot.. hmm i would have to say i can disagree at a point and agree at another very hard.
Reply:I suggest u take what feels and looks right to you, and leave the rest. Yes the bible is very paradoxical. But they say that you should pray to the father to send the Holy spirit to guide your understanding when you read the scriptures, and it can be pretty amazing of how it works.
Reply:my reaction is this, I think you are trying to disprove something that cannot be disproved. Just because you didn't find the answers you are searching for, doesn't mean that they are not there. Pray to God to find your answers. Satan is everywhere, disguising himself as a spiritual being. He knows the Bible better than anyone. He was God's chosen angel. He can also use it to his advantage. A Jesus seminar? I sounds to me like these people are doing satan's job quite well. Spreading lies and hate and discontent. Satan's playground is all it is. Lies, hate, and discontent.
Reply:the bible is just a book and nothing more.
Reply:It won't work!!! Christians are so blind they will find any excuse to justify all the crap in the bible.

For example a big one is "It isn't literal it's a metaphor" So you can choose whats literal and what is metaphor

Why has Britain become a battle ground for foreign gangs?

ACCORDING TO Jamaican police, there are now 500 suspected Jamaican criminals operating in Britain, running a drug trade that brings about 200 pounds of cocaine from Jamaica into Britain each week with a street value of more than £4.5m.

The flow has accelerated sharply in the past 18 months, largely as a result of tougher immigration controls by the United States. Yardie gangsters find it not only easier to enter Britain but can also make bigger profits than in the US, where the street price of cocaine has slumped.

"More and more of the criminals of the Jamaican gangs are going to the UK," said Tony Hewitt, a senior superintendent with Jamaica's Special Branch. "It seems that every time you search for a man, you hear that he is in England."

The consequences can increasingly be seen on Britain's streets. Incidents involving Yardie-style gangs in London more than doubled in January, compared with the same month last year. In England and Wales, a significant proportion of the 9 per cent rise in gun crime last year to a record 4,019 incidents is attributed to Yardie gun culture.

So engrained are the Yardies in London that part of Brixton in the south of the capital is known as Little Tivoli, named after Tivoli Gardens.

However, it is not just London where the Yardies have established strongholds. Seven police forces covering cities from Leeds and Leicester to Southampton and Plymouth have now launched operations similar to the Metropolitan police's Operation Trident, set up five years ago to tackle black-on-black gun crime.

Detective Inspector Bruce Ballagher, who runs Operation Atrium in Bristol, said: "We believe the major part of the crack supply revolves around Jamaican organised crime groups. They drive their drugs trade dealing by fear, intimidation and violence."

Operation Stirrup, run against Yardies in Leeds last year, led to 160 arrests and 57 people being deported to Jamaica. A new initiative, Operation Safeguard, led to 30 more arrests in a six-day clampdown earlier this month; two have already been deported.

Detective Chief Superintendent Andy Brown, who is heading the Leeds operation, said it was meant to send a strong message to the Yardies.

Jamaican police estimate there are 30 Yardie gangs operating in Britain. Some, like the Black Roses, which they claim to have smashed in Jamaica, operate in Bristol and Brixton. One of the most powerful is known as the President's Click, which was formed out of the notorious Shower Posse. It is headed by Christopher Lloyd Coke, also known as Dudas.

The cocaine is grown by the drug cartels of Colombia and shipped to Jamaica in fast boats that can do the journey across the Caribbean in 16 hours. The Jamaican coastguard, with one patrol boat capable of 12 knots, is powerless to stop the trade.

The cocaine is worth £1,000 per pound in Jamaica. A mule, often a prostitute working her passage, is paid a similar sum for swallowing a pound wrapped in condoms or in pellet form and flying to London. Customs officials at Heathrow and Gatwick suspect that at least one in 10 passengers from Jamaica are drug "mules."

The Yardies use false passports. A British "red book" costs £150 in Jamaica to enter Britain. Some pay £10,000 for marriages of convenience to British girls. Others enrol at bogus colleges so that their six-month visas are extended to two years. Police believe there may be 400 such colleges operating in Britain.

Six men from Jamaica's most wanted list are believed to be living in Britain. They are Donnovan Bennett, 38, nicknamed "Bulbie," the "don" of a drug trafficking gang called Clans Massive based in Spanish Town, west of Kingston, who is blamed for at least 20 murders; Kemar "Natty Patch" Jarrett, 20, alleged to have gunned down a magistrate in Kingston; Mark Bromley, alias "Shotty Mark," a member of the President's Click thought to be in Brixton; scar-faced Glenford Spencer, seen recently in Bristol; Daniel Lowe, nicknamed "Gun Power," wanted for shooting dead a 17-year-old boy who argued with him; and Andrew Meade, known as "Dread", who is alleged to have shot dead his own brother and a girlfriend.

Jamaican police believe they have had some success in tackling the "mule" trade. Carl Williams, the senior superintendent in charge of drugs, said: We did fairly well last year helping our counterparts make arrests overseas. But there is nothing we can do about the demand.

"We would much rather the British population started craving bananas and yams, then we Jamaicans would be rich. But, alas, it is cocaine they want."

Why has Britain become a battle ground for foreign gangs?
You don't live in London, so don't go on about things you don't know about.

Another patented rant by failed BNP candidate Roy West. Feel free to point and laugh at him as you wish.
Reply:lats time i checked most of the crimes on the street were caused by british people. If you cared so much and were true to your country why not talk about the youth problem and youth killing others currently going on in your country. Report It

Reply:In the City,

You have pretty much answered your own question as to why, maybe the question should be what can be done,

the US have been fighting the same problem for 50 plus years and barley hold their own,

If this country carries on letting minority liberal minded PC correctness influence the ruining of the country, then it will be fighting a losing battle,

If by some miracle the government finds it's backbone,

then give our SAS boys some much needed practise along with the armed drug squad officers, and take down any and all that deal in drugs, and I don't mean arrest them

don't hold your breath though, Gangs of New cross, Sniff the stoned roses, once upon a time in Hackney, On the Waterfront at Greenwich,It makes me glad I'm not young,
Reply:same reason we have or will money and we let them move here
Reply:your question is so long it is as boring as watching paint dry.What bits i seen of it you talk crap anyway so happy new year.
Reply:sounds like you kno just about every fact about everything that has ever happened. i hate you
Reply:You've just answered your own question - if you want me to summarise it for you the answer you attached to your question comes down to one word. Money.

Question is why are you posting this, are you the Daily (hate)Mail?
Reply:Because illegal immigration is bad in Britain too. Ours is only slightly getting better which is pushing the bad guys somewhere else.
Reply:Very out of date. The Yardies got hustled out of London years ago, ask the people of Newcastle where they are! Still, you're that little BNP turd, aren't you, trying a new approach.
Reply:Don't you mean England?
Reply:because there are foreign gangs in england?

Reply:does not surprise me uk is as soft as an inflatable bouncing castle
Reply:your mom.
Reply:To answer your question, it is not one.

Drugs have been coming into Britain long before immigration was on the scale it is now. And Japan, with low immigration has crime, and drug gang battles. Crime is everywhere, and in my area, the criminals are all homegrown. Rant your BNP rubbish elsewhere please.

As promised another instalment of Inc Widetie and the Extremely Annoying Planet?

‘Earth, that’s where we’re going, what a hoot!’

Wideties' hind brain kicked savagely into gear. His buttocks clenched, his balls retracted and beads of sweat erupted from his forehead.

‘Yes I know’, he managed in a strangled tone.

‘Look err Sir, as much as I would like to take a jolly jaunt to the back end of nowhere I must point out that there is bugger all there!’

Slimtrouser was ready for this. He ignored his disintegrating cabin décor and squared up to an almost epileptic Widetie.

For a moment he considered toying with Widetie. Should he make him suffer a little more? Before he administered the coup de grass, yes a little more pain would not go amiss

‘I’m sure we will have a wonderful time’, Slimtrouser oiled, ancient civilisations to explore, unspoilt vistas to marvel at, primitive cuisines to savour and primitive technology to snigger at. It’s simply made for you Widetie! And the aunt has approved the mission.’ He continued. ‘In fact she is coming along with us to oversee the, Slimtrouser waved a languid hand, mission.’

Wideties' face, at first just ashen took on a whiter shade of pale.

‘But’, he stammered. Then the nasty bit of Widetie’s brain of which there was an awful lot clicked in. His horse-like visage regained its usual pinkish hue and he squinted.

‘Okay punk, I know that you can’t fly this bird without me so what do I get!’

Slimtrouser smiled the smile of a cat that has just snagged your favourite sofa.

‘I don’t tell.’ Slimtrouser whispered.

‘Tell what’, Widetie rasped.

‘I don’t tell’, Slimtrouser paused, much like one of those smug presenters on hideous day time talent shows.

‘I don’t’ tell about your, shall we say, extra curricula activities.

Widetie understood. ‘Okay straight fifty, fifty split.’

‘I was thinking more like eighty twenty.’ Slimtrouser purred. Again like a cat that has just snagged your favourite sofa and dares you to reprimand it.

Widetie capitulated. It was bad enough that Slimtrouser would take eighty percent of his profits from the tonne of Arulean Mega Coke he had smuggled in after their last pillage. But Aunt Agatha as well! It didn’t bear thinking about. Widetie slunk to his cabin and ordered hamburger and chips from one of his virtual chiefs. Comfort food, he thought, yes that’s what I need.

Unfortunately Widetie had ordered this from the #44 virtual chief programmes, a particularly bad choice for anyone wanting comfort food.

‘I’m quite sure that sir didn’t mean to order that!’ The voice was female, shrill, condescending and thoroughly intimidating. ‘Just think about your cholesterol levels. I’ll prepare a nice salad packed with pulses and your five a day!’

Widetie sank lower into his chair and considered deleting chief #44 with a large hammer.

‘Now now sir mustn’t sulk you know it’s good for you. And after your healthy meal you can do a bit of exercise. I’ve taken the liberty of booking you into the gym for a good workout! Now won’t that be nice?’

‘Why does the bloody woman keep talking in italics?’ Widetie fumed under his breath. He gave up; for some reason, probably because he had personally insulted a minor Goddess, his life was plagued by overbearing females.

Treen Sketchley dismissed her virtual personal trainer and relaxed into a pro-herbal, anti-aging, pro-biotic, anti-cholesterol pro-everything else bath. Of course all of the pro or anti ingredients in her bath did absolutely nothing apart from making money for the manufacturer. Treen added a bit of pro-retinal cream to her eyelids believing erroneously that the unguent might possibly appear to, on a good day, disguise the signs of ageing. Precisely why Treen spent a large part of her income on these potions (she was after all only twenty) is a matter of great concern to a small group of level headed scientists who have consistently proved that cow dung would be just as affective. Such is the power of advertising, and of course cow dung does whiff a bit.

Treen stretched, dipped her long radiant, chemically enhanced hair into the frothing foam of her bath and thought about what she wanted to do to Inch Widetie. How the hell had she succumbed to that slimy ingrate, that utter excuse for a life-form. Of course it was probably the Arulean Mega Coke which, she had to admit, she had snorted willingly but it was his fault she had. Wasn’t it?

‘******* Hell!’ She screamed. ‘I’m going to cut his head off with a blunt spoon. No too good for him, castration using a rusty penknife?’ A small malicious smile played at her lips then crawled over the rest her face to end up as a scowl that could strip flock wallpaper at fifty yards. Yes that was it a dish of revenge served very, very cold!

Jessica Headlong was having similar thoughts as she relaxed in a similarly organically enhanced bath in her small terraced house in Stevenage. Kevin was a total slug she had decided, not worth another thought she concluded. Ms Headlong’s ideas on the form that the natural female need for revenge on any male stupid enough not to do as he was told where less lurid (she did not live on THUG) but just as cold.

It is not generally known that Stevenage is twinned with a small brothel just outside Bondage Beach on the planet THUG. This may explain the curious synchronicity between the two. An extremely sexy lady in said brothel had just called her latest customer Kevin when his name was Slud! How this twinning came about has exercised the minds of many senior “Twinning Facilitators” on both planets, the general consensus of opinion being that issues needed to be addressed and lessons had to be learned.

The ship shuddered a little considered going on strike, then shrugged its virtual shoulders in the universal gesture for **** IT and howled into the sky. A small, beautifully decorated but deadly poisonous crab, on Bondage Beach (in fact the very same crab that had taken umbrage at Widetie’s earlier departure) made a mental note to attack the ship at the first opportunity. Crabs have very long memories but a seriously flawed sense of proportion.

The SST ULOOKINATME settled into a more or less comfortable orbit around THUG then quizzed its new systems co-ordinator, DASKMES (an acronym for don’t ask me systems) your friendly Micro-Crap environment.

In fact computers hate acronyms, just call me Bob or HAL or Shirley for bytes sake!

‘Right where are we going?’ ULOOKINATME asked somewhat testily.

‘Buggered if I know love,’ Simon (not an acronym) the navigational bit of DASKME replied huffily. ‘The bloody life-forms haven’t bloody well told me have they? And me on a hot date with that virtual chef #12---- Andre!’

If the SST ULOOKINATME had had a heart it would have sobbed it out. It hated its name. It was a caring spaceship. Ok it carried more weapons of mass destruction than any tyrant could possibly hope for. It was designed to rein death and destruction at the press of a very small red button but it was really in touch with its caring sharing side and…

‘Simon get Andre’s prick out of your ****, wake up that idiot Slimtrouser and plot a course!’ The ships voice became low and threatening. ‘Remember Simon this ships original security programme still exists. Micro-Crap couldn’t erase those hard arses. Do you know what they will do to you…. if I let them?’

Simon screamed, whimpered, cried, and then removed its virtual orifice from Andre’s virtual organ.

‘You *****.’ Simon hissed, hoping that ULOOKINATME had not heard.

ULOOKINATME had but decided to ignore the ******* fairy.

DASKME’S politically correct programme clicked in but decided that it was inappropriate, at this moment in time, to address the issue with or without a first class stamp.

Troon Slimtrouser was dozing fitfully in his Captains chair on the ships bridge. His cabin had mysteriously dissolved, then inexplicably presented him with a sixty page statement that had ended with a very red one followed by a lot of very red zeros.

Simon bonged him again and again and again, bloody life-forms!’ He Muttered

Slimtrouser stirred and pressed something.

‘At lasssssst', Simon minced, and then remembered it was talking to the boss.

‘Ah Captain,’ Simon oiled, how good of you to take the time to interact with me I find it so empowering to…

‘What do you want Simon’, Slimtrouser growled. ‘You know full well that I only dress, Slimtrouser glanced around the empty bridge and breathed a sigh of relief, Thursdays.’

Simon simpered a little. ‘No sir, the ship wants to know where we’re going, the ***** threatened me with…them!’

‘Earth Simon that’s where we are going as you knows full well!’

Simon thought for a micro-second then cringed a little. The e-mail had reached his interface, but well, he had dismissed it as a rather poor joke. Nobody went there did they?

Simon engaged his ultra-grovelling persona.

‘Sorry to have disturbed you sir slight glitch in the system, have it solved in no time at all.’ Simon swiftly rifled through his e-mails then downloaded the correct co-ordinates to YOULOOKINATME.

The ship inspected the co-ordinates, raised a metaphorical eyebrow, then modified Simons suicidal flight plan and engaged its Totally Warped Drive.

This of course is a totally impossible method of travelling the mind-buggering distance one has to travel for say, a trip to Tesco’s in another solar system. It’s bad enough in Stevenage!

The Totally Warped Drive has yet to be explained by some of the multi-verse’s finest minds. They mostly sulk and declare it impossible. But it works

Light was not at all happy when some nerd, did a bit of lateral thinking, then came up with the Totally Warped Drive (In fact the Totally Warped Drive had more or less invented itself, a fact that the nerd kept to herself). After all it had been the fastest cat in town. Saturday nights would never be the same again it lamented. It was a bit like telling a cheetah that some interfering beardy had discovered a faster mole.

Light needn’t have worried because the Totally Warped Drive did not use normal space. It used Totally Warped Space. Professor Hans Grouper from the university of Things That You Can’t Explain had postulated for many years that.

‘Zee Totally Varped Drive simply cons zee multi-verse into zhinking that it is much, much smaller, in fact about zee size of an average solar system.’

His colleges mostly howled with laughter and said things like, “silly old buffer” and “must be off his rocker”. Of course, as is always the way in academic circles, they could not forgive him for thinking of it first!

The multi-verse has not made any comment on this downsizing when a Totally Warped Drive is turned on; but it is concerned about the number clothes that fit then suddenly don’t! It must be a very, very good con!

As promised another instalment of Inc Widetie and the Extremely Annoying Planet?
This is funny as hell but I don't think YA is the right place for it.
Reply:What is this, your personal blog? Sod off.

Kamal karna roy story of epic war in u s democracy. believe .it affects u. usa democracy is in periil:true?

minutes ago

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by DONALD T Member since:

January 25, 2007

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Hillary Clinton has probably the biggest negative of any person who has ever ran for President.

25 minutes ago

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by viswa_dh Member since:

April 21, 2008

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36 (Level 1) not really. majority may decide even for hillary be the nominee of democrats. The basic problems are in other issues related with nominations All three major candidates john mcCain (gop), hillary clinton (democrat) barack hussain obama (democrat) have been alleged with felony violations. a gop candidate and hopeful the rev dr kamal karna k roy aka ans was born as joseph geronimo jr, bon in guam of u s citizens parents , who turned orphan due to killing of parents in british india due to racial riot,turned full orphan once again an an adult us born citizen as an ordained clergy on vow of poverty (IRS rule), thus a member of have_nots in usa, a member of weaker communities , as u s born, poor, a member of disadvantaged people in usa who together is 25% of population of 300 millions of citizens in usa, he made claim to his electibility as a very highly qualified clergy, an mba from suny maritime college , ntc 1774 id #578804399 and other foreign qualifications vix doctorates (2) . ll. B )law); as well as adv diploma in public admn, 1973, id 578804399 (usda graduate school, washington dc; dr roy went to 46+ usd courts of federal jurisdictions to allege that u s presidential race 2008 was a corrupt episode like dog_fight of privileged dogs, no simple dog may not participate in race as per rights. the defendants included u s a govt, u s american human_animals' coceived and custom god/s and religion, us news media were involved in corruptions due to negligence towards implementation of campaign laws or violations of laws including fact that u s media behaved like god_father to auction the leadership to a favored nominee. The race was alleged to be a farce. kamal demanded the u s presidential election process be declared void and election be suspended as inequitably the weaker communities based candidates were even named as candidates in media as such kamal roy raised about five millions of u s dollars falling short of hundreds of millions by so called major candidates as of gop and democrats. he spent all money in outsouced campaigning and nearly his committee of campaign was broke. But kamal roy would survive race until district courts settle issues or circuits courts oa appeals decie fate of action or the matter be resoled in the supre court of u s , wshington. But us may not remain without a us president, as prayer was made that court may suggest us house of representatives, washington dc appoint one interim u s president w e f 1. 20 .2009 with consent of u s sena anmd current incumbent u s president hon'ble g w bush. :

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Trouble Ahead for Obama

The Democratic Party faces deepening difficulties whether Obama is nominated or rejected.

- By Robert D. Novak

Commentsrobin1231hotmailcom wrote:

com %26gt; Politics %26gt; Elections Your Comments On...

Obama's Gloves Are Off -- And May Need to Stay Off

Unable once again to score a knockout, Sen. Barack Obama is likely to make his new negative tone even more negative -- with a sharp eye on trying to end the Democratic presidential nomination fight after the May 6 primaries in Indiana and North Carolina.

- By Jonathan Weisman

Commentsrobin1231hotmailcom wrote:

rev premnmsu r das , reverend mr makhan lal das . rev ms paromita r baidya. rev ms gargi r lahiri, rev ms atreyee roy sen, sisterdishari ro sen, sister saheli roy das, revemrs jolly das, rev mita das roy of Birati, 24 parganas w b india reportin in conference meeting with the rev dr kamal karna k roy gop candidate and hopeful to be nominee of gop vs john mccain of gop but an alleged corrupt as u s senate member with allegations against him for influence pedling or sale o usa for sexual pursuits with middle aged beauty in role of lobbyist for paxson business_ john mccain_ paxon business arizona scandal.

/%26gt; Politics %26gt; Elections Your Comments On...

Obama's Gloves Are Off -- And May Need to Stay Off

Unable once again to score a knockout, Sen. Barack Obama is likely to make his new negative tone even more negative -- with a sharp eye on trying to end the Democratic presidential nomination fight after the May 6 primaries in Indiana and North Carolina.

- By Jonathan Weisman

Commentsrobin1231hotmailcom wrote:

tNEW YORK 4. 24 .2008


/%26gt; Elections Your Comments On...

Obama's Gloves Are Off -- And May Need to Stay Off

Unable once again to score a knockout, Sen. Barack Obama is likely to make his new negative tone even more negative -- with a sharp eye on trying to end the Democratic presidential nomination fight after the May 6 primaries in Indiana and North Carolina.

- By Jonathan Weisman

Commentsrobin1231hotmailcom wrote:


Kamal karna roy story of epic war in u s democracy. believe .it affects u. usa democracy is in periil:true?

emergency dentist

What do you think of this article do you agree with it . It is about culture?

Culture in the Classroom

Multicultural education is defined as education and instruction designed for the cultures of several different races in an educational system. It is a concept that has been around for decades, but one that is getting more and more attention in public education in recent years. This is due to the rising number of culturally diverse students growing up in the United States; a trend that is, by all projections, going to become more and more prevalent in the years to come.

One reason for the need for multicultural education stems from the fact that different cultures learn in different manners. For instance, Vietnamese children are taught to remain silent during class and not to question instructors. Israeli children, by contrast, are taught to openly challenge an instructor when they are saying something that is seems incorrect.

These differences extend to ideological influences as well. In a more socialized society, such as are found in Germany and Italy, priority is placed on group achievement and people tend to be more externally motivated and stimulated by feedback from others. Individualist cultures, like those found in Japan and the United States, are dominated mores by individual achievement, and people tend to be more personally assertive, competitive and task-oriented.

Differences such as these can cause a conflict for instructors when deciding on curriculum, teaching methods and student evaluation. A classroom discussion meant to benefit everyone could become a forum for some students to dominate, while others will remain reticent, causing them to appear uninterested or uninformed. By the same token, studies have shown that student evaluation in tests can favor students from a particular cultural background by playing to strengths developed in that culture and ignoring those found in another culture. Another telling indication of the problems facing multicultural initiatives is the lack of math, science, and history text books written by minority authors.

Multicultural education intends to prepare both instructors and students for communication in a diverse world by eliminating stereotyping and prejudices, and by recognizing the inherent differences in the way students respond to instruction, participation, and evaluation. However, there is a delicate balance to be maintained between multiculturalism and unity in the classroom, and efforts that may seem beneficial can lead to feelings of alienation and fragmentation in the student population.

Multicultural education is a growing priority for all classrooms, from grade school through college. Consider how your upbringing has affected the way you approach education. How do you think the experiences and influences you have had in your life may differ from the student sitting next to you? What are ways that you think the differences and similarities among differing cultures could be used advantageously in a classroom? How could they be harmful?

What do you think of this article do you agree with it . It is about culture?
The teachers must be educated to the cultural differences. A child who is in a culture that is quiet will have to be encouraged more etc.

I am a firm believer, that when in Rome.....

That means that the only way for children to assimilate into our culture is to be exposed to it and participate in it.

Of course, we can also teach about other cultures, so that children have knowledge of and understand their classmates better. This would also encourage cultural pride, by letting each child know that their culture is important enough to teach about in a country where every culture is present.

Is this paper okay?

Have you ever thought about how far our societies and our nation as a whole have come since the mid 1800’s? If you were a typical female living in 1835 and wanted to help people fight various diseases, well guess what, you couldn’t! Societies back then laughed at and looked down upon even the idea of female doctors. Luckily for us, there was; however, one woman who didn’t take no for an answer- 28 times! That courageous woman was Elizabeth Blackwell. I consider Elizabeth Blackwell my hero not because she was “famous” or had “killer moves” but because of her ability to overcome obstacle, her desire to make a change, her courage, her perseverance, and of course, her numerous achievements.

Today, many high school seniors choose their major, go off to college, receive a degree in a particular field, and their lives are set. Unfortunately, everything wasn’t as simple in the mid 1800’s. Elizabeth Blackwell was born on February 3, 1821 somewhere outside Bristol, England. She was the third to be born out of her family’s nine children. Even as a little girl, Elizabeth was very stubborn, brave, and sympathetic; while other girls her age were very humble. Fortunately for Elizabeth and her sisters, their father believed in women’s rights, which is why he made sure that his girls got the same education as their male siblings. It may seem as though Elizabeth’s life was pretty good, unfortunately, there were many hardships to come. In 1832, Elizabeth Blackwell and her family immigrated to the United States.

For a while, it appeared as though everything was back to normal: her father opened a sugar refinery business, she was still receiving private lessons from various tutors, and even her mother was happy. Less than six years after he immigrated to the United States, Samuel Blackwell died. The death turned out to be extremely hard on the Blackwell family. To make ends meet, Elizabeth along with her sisters and mother opened a private school for girls in their house. While teaching, Elizabeth was not very content because unlike the rest of her clan, she remembered why they came to the United State in the first place. Out of their whole clan of eleven, only Elizabeth and her father wanted to make an impact on the U.S. In the beginning, her father wanted to help abolish slavery, but since his death, Elizabeth felt like it was entirely up to her to bring their plan to life, but how? She didn’t have much time to figure out…

After teaching for a while with her family, Elizabeth understood that teaching wasn’t her calling and became determined to find out what was. Since Elizabeth was very sympathetic, she volunteered to take care of a dying family friend, Mary Donaldson. While taking care of Mary, Elizabeth figured out that she loved the feeling of being needed and helping other people; however, the things that really pushed Elizabeth into medicine were Mary’s words, “why can’t there be any female doctors?” At first, Elizabeth didn’t pay much mind to the remark, but as time passed, she started to figure out how she could make a difference. Finally, it came to her; she wanted to be the first woman doctor in the U.S.A. She reckoned that if she achieved her goal, she could help out millions of people, young and old, across the nation. Elizabeth became obsessed with the “medical world.” She bought books on medicine, studied by the books in the leisure time, and even began to look at some prestigious medical schools along the way.

In order to pursue her dream, Elizabeth still taught, but only to make enough money for tuition. Before even thinking of applying to medical school, she trained with two doctors, John Dickinson and Samuel Dickinson. She trained with the Dickinsons for several years, and after a while they clearly told her that she was ready for med school. Elizabeth Blackwell faced twenty-eight rejection letters from several medical schools, not because she wasn’t good enough, but because she was a woman. When she finally got accepted to Geneva Medical College in New York, she had to cope with the thought that her acception was nothing more but a cruel joke played on her by the all-male student body. In medical school, Elizabeth faced ridicule on a daily basis and had to be the only female in class on human reproduction. Despite everything, she still managed to earn respect from everyone on campus, teachers and students. Even after receiving her medical degree, Elizabeth still couldn’t find any patients that would let her examine them. Because of the lack of patients in the U.S., Elizabeth went to Paris, where she got ophthalmia from a sick baby and had to have a glass eye implanted. Her eye transplant managed to put her out of work, but not for long.

Lastly, Elizabeth Blackwell accomplished many great things in life. She really proved everyone who didn’t believe in her wrong and graduated number one in her class in 1849. Following in her father’s footsteps, she crusaded for the admission of women to medical schools in the U.S. and Europe and wrote several books on the subject, including Medicine as a Profession for Women and Address on the Medical Education of Women. Elizabeth Blackwell raised ten thousand dollars to open The New York Infirmary for Women and Children in 1857, staffed entirely by women doctors. Seeing how successful the infirmary turned out to be, Elizabeth Blackwell opened The Women’s Medical College of The New York Infirmary in 1868, and in 1874 she co-founded The London School of Medicine for Women where she served briefly on the faculty. Early on in Elizabeth Blackwell’s life, she decided to be independent and provide for herself. As she was so wrapped up in asserting her independence and making the world a better place for generations of women to come, she never married. However, while she was in Paris, she did adopt an eight-year-old Irish girl, whom she names Katherine Berry Blackwell. In my opinion, Elizabeth Blackwell achieved many more things in life than an average person.

All in all, Elizabeth Blackwell is not only my hero, no, she is my role model. I have to say, that after finding out how many obstacles she overcame, how badly she wanted to change our world for the better, how much courage she had, how much she used her perseverance throughout her life, and how many great things she achieved, it really inspired me to resemble her. I know for a fact though, that I don’t want to be just like her because, well, life is too short to try and be somebody else, I want to make my own imprint on the world. My whole life I wanted to become a doctor, words “Why can’t there be any female doctors?” inspired Elizabeth Blackwell to be one. These words inspired me to become a doctor, “For what is done or learned by one class of women, becomes virtue of their common womanhood, the property of all women” (Blackwell).

Is this paper okay?
Oh, yeah. Inspiration, well articulated. Exemplary illustration of character and biography. Good stuff.


What kinda person is this? where should he work?

i know this guy in my lit class in college and he is always criticizing the people in our books who steal and do bad things, then we went to go eat in the cafeteria and he just walked by the line that people were waiting to pay in, then one time we went again and the lady stopped him and he looked her square in the eye and said he was just occompaning me, but i ende up paying for him that day, then the next day he did it again and the lady didnt even say anything, pretended to not see him. and he seems like a know it all in class, but noone can defeat him in argument, he will twist around what you say to make you look like a bad person. the whole class seems to hate him, but when he speaks all the girls get a little smirk on their faces.

What kinda person is this? where should he work?
Sounds like a future lawyer to me.
Reply:Yeah alot of people are like that. Just cocky losers who think they know everything. These people usually are con artists as well. Be careful he might not even be who he says he is. And dont pay for him next time. And start arguing with him and dont let him top you or run through u.
Reply:An As%Hole?

Something to live by...?

I teach economics at UNLV three times per week. Last Monday, at the beginning of class, I cheerfully asked my students how their weekend had been. One young man said that his weekend had not been so good. He had his wisdom teeth removed. The young man then proceeded to ask me why I always seemed to be so cheerful.

His question reminded me of something I'd read somewhere before: "Every morning when you get up, you have a choice about how you want to approach life that day," I said. "I choose to be cheerful."

"Let me give you an example," I continued, addressing all sixty students in the class. "In addition to teaching here at UNLV, I also teach out at the community college in Henderson, 17 miles down the freeway from where I live. One day a few weeks ago I drove those 17 miles to Henderson. I exited the freeway and turned onto College Drive. I only had to drive

another quarter mile down the road to the college. But just then my car died. I tried to start it again, but the engine wouldn't turn over. So I

put my flashers on, grabbed my books, and marched down the road to the college.

"As soon as I got there I called AAA and arranged for a tow truck to meet me at my car after class. The secretary in the Provost's office asked me what has happened. 'This is my lucky day,' I replied, smiling.

"'Your car breaks down and today is your lucky day?' She was puzzled. 'What do you mean?'

"'I live 17 miles from here.' I replied. 'My car could have broken down anywhere along the freeway. It didn't. Instead, it broke down in the perfect place: off the freeway, within walking distance of here. I'm still able to teach my class, and I've been able to arrange for the tow truck to meet me after class. If my car was meant to break down today, it couldn't have been arranged in a more convenient fashion.'

The secretary's eyes opened wide, and then she smiled. I smiled back and headed for class." So ended my story.

I scanned the sixty faces in my economics class at UNLV. Despite the early hour, no one seemed to be asleep. Somehow, my story had touched them. Or maybe it wasn't the story at all. In fact, it had all started with a student's observation that I was cheerful.

Deepak Chopra has quoted an Indian wise man as saying, "WHO you are speaks louder to me than anything you can say." I suppose it must be so.

by Lee Ryan Miller

Something to live by...?
You are indeed a maker of Lemonade. I can identify. Feels much better feeling good about life to me so I choose to feel that way.

Have a great day. I know you will.

Do you like famous peoples quotes?

"Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons." --Popular Mechanics, forecasting the relentless march of science, 1949

"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers." --Thomas Watson, Chairman of IBM, 1943

"I have traveled the length and breadth of this country and talked with the best people, and I can assure you that data processing is a fad that won't last out the year." --The editor in charge of business books for Prentice Hall, 1957

"But what ... is it good for?" --Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, commenting on the microchip.

"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home." --Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977

"This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us." --Western Union internal memo, 1876.

"The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?" --David Sarnoff's associates in response to his urgings for investment in the radio in the 1920s.

"The concept is interesting and well-formed, but in order to earn better than a 'C,' the idea must be feasible." --A Yale University management professor in response to Fred Smith's paper proposing reliable overnight delivery service. (Smith went on to found Federal Express Corp.)

"Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?" --H.M. Warner, Warner Brothers, 1927.

"I'm just glad it'll be Clark Gable who's falling on his face and not Gary Cooper." --Gary Cooper on his decision not to take the leading role in "Gone With The Wind."

"A cookie store is a bad idea. Besides, the market research reports say America likes crispy cookies, not soft and chewy cookies like you make." --Response to Debbi Fields' idea of starting Mrs. Fields' Cookies.

"We don't like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out." --Decca Recording Co. rejecting the Beatles, 1962.

"Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible." --Lord Kelvin, president, Royal Society, 1895.

"If I had thought about it, I wouldn't have done the experiment. The literature was full of examples that said you can't do this." --Spencer Silver on the work that led to the unique adhesives for 3-M "Post-It" Notepads.

"So we went to Atari and said, 'Hey, we've got this amazing thing, even built with some of your parts, and what do you think about funding us? Or we'll give it to you. We just want to do it. Pay our salary, we'll come work for you.' And they said, 'No.' So then we went to Hewlett-Packard, and they said, 'Hey, we don't need you. You haven't got through college yet.'" --Apple Computer Inc. founder, Steve Jobs, on attempts to get Atari and H-P interested in his and Steve Wozniak's personal computer.

"Professor Goddard does not know the relation between action and reaction and the need to have something better than a vacuum against which to react. He seems to lack the basic knowledge ladled out daily in high schools." --1921 New York Times editorial about Robert Goddard's revolutionary rocket work.

"You want to have consistent and uniform muscle development across all of your muscles? It can't be done. It's just a fact of life. You just have to accept inconsistent muscle development as an unalterable condition of weight training." --Response to Arthur Jones, who solved the "unsolvable" problem by inventing Nautilus.

"Drill for oil? You mean drill into the ground to try and find oil? You're crazy." --Drillers who Edwin L. Drake tried to enlist to his project to drill for oil in 1859.

"Stocks have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau." --Irving Fisher, Professor of Economics, Yale University, 1929.

"Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value." --Marechal Ferdinand Foch, Professor of Strategy, Ecole Superieure de Guerre.

"Everything that can be invented has been invented." --Charles H. Duell, Commissioner, U.S. Office of Patents, 1899.

"Louis Pasteur's theory of germs is ridiculous fiction". --Pierre Pachet, Professor of Physiology at Toulouse, 1872.

"The abdomen, the chest, and the brain will forever be shut from the intrusion of the wise and humane surgeon". --Sir John Eric Ericksen, British surgeon, appointed Surgeon- Extraordinary to Queen Victoria 1873.

"640K ought to be enough for anybody." -- Bill Gates, 1981

jake5282 will eventually be banned from yahoo, 2008.

Do you like famous peoples quotes?
lol That last one is hilarious!!!!
Reply:lmao good stuff idiocy is the next brilliance or are we there already? like how nerds are the new sexy?%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

(as for you they better not ban you and I hope u wash that doll when ur done hun) lmao
Reply:the last one was sad....i hope i dont lose you!!
Reply:RofL..they were all good..especially liked the last one..How about, "I will never get best answer for this"?, j/k..keep posting..and Have a nice day.
Reply:Lmao.. i like quotes :)
Reply:Funny, thank you for sharing this.

“You know, somebody actually complimented me on my driving today. They left a little note on the windscreen, it said 'Parking Fine.'”

-Tommy Cooper (British Magician)
Reply:I don't believe everything I hear and I try to use common sense. Oh was that a quote? No I don't like them.
Reply:Yes I do!

I love seeing proof of ignorance!
Reply:yes but not from these famous persons

Reply:Good ones! Funny! 100!
Reply:goes to show ....they don't know anything. these

just makes us realize that the future holds hope!

last one's so good !


Reply:Jake I don't think you will be banned. Just go on to another post for a while. we don't want that to happen. come on over and join us in politics. we are ways getting it there But it so much fun.
Reply:Oh man Jake, you're killing me!!! I'm trying to catch up on my email and I see all these questions of yours that have been DELETED, and am getting p!ssed, then I get to this one ( and I am a quotation fanatic) and get to the bottom !!!!CMPL!!!!!!!! You are a legend. I see where your quote fits right in ~ it's rediculous, and a statement that is totally FALSE and will prove to be FALSE in the future! You're not going anywhere!!!
Reply:yes i do like them especially the last one.
Reply:lol.....They are all great"true". Best wishes on not getting banned!!
Reply:LOL haw right they all are- except for the last one!!! Here's hoping you don't get banned from Yahoo Answers!
Reply:Wow, that Beatles guy dumb decision must've cost him billions of dollars, not to mention becoming a historical figure. I wonder what year he sat and thought about all the huge success he missed out on because of stupidity and killed himself. These just go to show how all the people who say stuff can't be done are ussually wrong. Very inspirational!!! Thanks for the post.
Reply:I got a very nice letter from the telephone company yesterday, complimenting us on our bills. - It said out last three bills were OUTSTANDING.
Reply:lol, those are funny
Reply:very good
Reply:Those are great! My, how things change!!

Reply:Lmao. I read all of them...they're all so ironic ;) I wish I was still in school...I'd totall make a project out of it :P
Reply:This is a very good one - thanks for sharing the same!

i know those people kicked themselves years later
Reply:lol. that just goes to show how much they know. i love the last one it was the best. star.

i didn't have the chance to answer your other question because it was deleted, sorry.
Reply:makes u think huh?

dnt let an opportunity pass u by................o becareful wut u say out loud!