Friday, November 13, 2009

Is there still a chance?

Met the perfect guy at a party on fri. I went and tlked to him, he asked to dance, we talked all night. He texted me sat night (around 10). I didn't have texting in my plan (just got it 2 days ago). I didn't want to text back, or call, idk, thought i'd wait and my friends thought it would be a good idea. I was up late till 4am hanging out w/ friends, woke up @ noon. called him sun and didnt get him. i added him on face book, he wrote me, i wrote back. i think i wrote something lame. he didn't call that night (but of course we talked that day). monday night i txted him to ask what he was up to, he txted back and asked the same. after i texted he didnt reply. tues and now wed-no call. will he call thurs to make plans? he knows im interested, i asked for his # and he took mine. he aked if i had a bf and txted me the next night so- he likes me.but will he give up or something and think its not worth it? idk... what to do? am i overreacting?[btw im a freshman in college]

Is there still a chance?
well thats kind of a tough call..he could be a busy kid and not really have the time to answer you back or he could just not really be interested in you as much as you thought he was so hes ignoring you to hope that you forget about him..all n all i dont really think your overreacting but your only a freshman in college your still young you shouldnt wait around for him, specially in college, more guys will come and im sure you will find someone that likes you and will hang out with you whenever you want

hopefully that helps =)
Reply:Ofcourse, when there's life there's still hope!
Reply:you got him like a fish on a hook, you are way overreacting. Don't worry, just go with the flow!

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