Friday, November 13, 2009

I have a wife that will not reason whatsoever about anything?

My wife is a full time nag I cannot do or say anything right. I am being accuses of adultery day in and out. I have never been unfaithful to her except if watching porn is being unfaithful and that was like almost 2 years ago. But she still nags at me for it I am a good father I keep my home up have a full time job plus I do photography on the weekends to help the Kids through college. I cannot even much less talk to her sisters on line or the phone without she is saying I am flirting. I am a easy going guy and likes to carry on and have a laugh but never in a sexual way. She even so much has gets really mad at me when I signed up for Face Book even tho she has one. I am sick of her name calling me in from of the kids very harsh words. Thank you for lisenting please email me with some dessperate help. NFLD Canada

I have a wife that will not reason whatsoever about anything?
Something deep inside that is not coming to the surfaceand is brewing with your wife and to avoid things she is directing it toward you in other forms.

Have you tried sitting her down and talking to her?

You have deplicted yourself as a saint and your wife as some cruel woman which leads me to believe that you are no so perfect.
Reply:You guys need to see Dr. Phil.

... or for now try the "mirroring" technique. Tell her that in the next few days you will mirror her behavior and then ask her how it feels.
Reply:give her some dick
Reply:if she makes life miserable then why dont you leave her
Reply:It sounds like your wife is very insecure about herself and her ability to hold onto you. Even though there is nothing wrong with being on facebook, looking at porno or even talking to your sister in-laws on the phone you are making her feel insecure. You need to sit down with your wife when there are no kids distracting you. I would suggest that you and your wife go away to a resort that is not too far away and not too expensive and spend the weekend with just the two of you talking through some issues. Don't try to make her understand your side...instead really try to find out why she feels the way she does and understand her feelings. Listen without judging because what she will tell you IS her reality and the way she actually sees things...whether you agree with her perspective or is the was she feels. So may be quite enlightening....from there you can help her feel less vulnerable and more loved.
Reply:She needs to have a shot or two of screech to chill out a bit.
Reply:It sounds to me that she is insecure and that's why she has trust issues.

You need to put your foot down and proclaim your independence! Tell her that you don't appreciate her nagging all the time and accusing you of things you don't do. You also don't appreciate her calling your names in front of your kids. That is rude and disrespectful.

Maybe some counseling will help the two of you. If you don't want that, you may have to just move on. I would explain to her your feelings and tell her that if she doesn't start respecting you, you are going to leave.
Reply:i dont find porn offensive, what i find offensive is not even close what ur going thru.

noe as to why she thinks ur flirting with every female well then she has insecurity issues. and very low self esteem.

i would have a talk with her, and tell her that whatever she thinks ur doing, its not true!!! she needs to get over this, and trust you. if she dosent then u know the relationship is over.

love is based in communication.

luv.•´ ¸.•*´¨) ☆.(¯`•.•´¯)

.(.¸.•´ (¸.•` ☆ ¤ยบ.`•.¸.•´ so U live in Newfoundland, Canada..
Reply:Your wife sounds like a really unhappy person, it seems to me that you wife has anger problems that obvious, but it's interesting that she will go as far as to insult you infront of the kids, you need to ask yourself if your happy, because if your not it's your responsiblity to make sure that you are, you have a family so I wouln't advise you to walk away from that, but what kind of family is it if your kids are seeing you being disrespected. Remember kid do what they grow up seeing, and if you have a boychild he's going to think that kind of behavioir is okay, your children are being taught bad behavior you say your a good man, you provide for your family you have 2 jobs what more does she want. Do want you think is right, keeping in mind that you have the right to live your life to the fulliest, and no one not even your wife should say other wise you've had the power in you all alone change what you don't like about your life you don't need permission from anyone. You deserve that much.
Reply:maybe they's something that you did that makes her think that you are unfaithful to her.In the first place why were you watching porn?Try talking to her to find out what causes her to behave this way.Good luck
Reply:Tell her to take a flying ****. Cut your loss's and take the shortest route out !
Reply:maybe shes being unfaithful to you and shes the one flirting.

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