Friday, November 13, 2009

Have you ever felt like a dream you had was so real? Tell me about it!?

I had a dream last night that I went to a new college orientation (that I might transfer to in real life) with my fiance'. Then out of nowhere my fiance' starts screaming at me and calling me every curse word in the book. I start crying and walk away and then run into two of my ex-boyfriends. They try to calm me down and then my fiance' walks by with 6 gorgeous girls and they all start talking trash. Then I beat the crap out of one of the girls and while I was on top of her and punching her in the face, the dean of the college walks up and says I'm banned from ever attending that college. I freak out and start crying and my ex boyfriends tell me to jump in their car and we left. We drive about 15 minutes and then they offered to take me golfing to take my mind off of the situation. I hate golf, but I went anyway because I wanted to spend time with them. Then some lady came up to us and gave us $500 for no reason. Then all of a sudden I heard horriffic screams. My fiance' was accross...

Have you ever felt like a dream you had was so real? Tell me about it!?
I had one where i was running down a road being chased by a boulder. and when i got to the bottom of the hill 3 boulders collided so the only way i could go was into this house. So i went in and the man that was in there told me not to look under the bed because there was a lion under i looked, and the lion at me....and i woke up lol.......i was 7!
Reply:maybe you're stressing about moving colleges, or maybe you still have feelings for an ex...think long and hard before you make any big decisions...good luck...
Reply:Was dreaming I won the lottery once. Don't believe how disappointed I was when I looked in my purse and nothing was there.

I also dreamed once my mate bought be a house and text me to let her know if I want it. So I actually called her in my dream. It was well mad being woken up by someone screaming down your ear.
Reply:hehe! its called 'deja vu'...

which is an english phrase that means 'already seen'

people suffer from it all the time..! =)
Reply:I was once had what I thought was real but I guess it must have been a dream and yet I don't know to this day what happened.

I remember being awake with a horrible pain in my side and I was convinced I had appendicitis. It was really bad so I couldn't sleep. I somehow managed to and thought that I was going to have to miss school (it was few years ago) as I was going to have to go to hospital and have an operation. When I woke up, I had no pain whatsoever and it was as if none of it had ever happened. But it was so vivid I thought it was real but it must have been a dream... I don't know.
Reply:A lot of my dreams seem soooo real. The most realistic ones are where I think I've woken up, but I really havent. One night I had a rapid succession of about 5 dreams where each time I told myself, "hey wait, this is not real, this is a dream" and tried to wake myself up. Each time, I thought I had finally woken up, but I really hadn't. The only way I figured out that I was still dreaming was each time I "woke up" some small detail was not right... ex - my dog was there when he shouldn't have been, my roommates were awake when I knew they should have been in bed, small details about the layout of the house were a bit different...etc.
Reply:yup.....I had a dream like this once. that was so real that when I woke up I thank Allah that it wasn't was about my result.....I saw that I have got the lowest grade in the whole school and I was so shocked when I looked at my result.....after waking up I couldn't even realize for a while that it was just a dream!
Reply:Just last week. My husband was walking back to his patrol car, I could see a hand with a gun, I saw the bullet going slowly in his direction, I was trying to catch it in my hand. I saw it hit the back of his head, and enter slowly. I saw him die. It was so real, i was crying in my sleep. Pleaded with him to please not go to work today, i was nervous for about a week.
Reply:This one is really strange . As I was due to catch an early plane and had had a very busy schedule the day before I was only able to get to bed four hours before I had to rise to ensure that I didn't miss my flight. However, whilst asleep I dreamt that I was asleep. When I awoke I felt perfectly refreshed just as though i had slept for eight hours. Do you think the dream doubled my time asleep, or do you thunk I just made this up for a laugh?
Reply:wow, well here's an embarrassing one i have no idea y I'm telling you but,

My dad's work buddy lives by this AMAZING Koi pond, so in my dream we went then over to the right was a concrete bathroom and before the door u could see the beach. On the beach were some elephant seals making rambunctious noises. I started mocking them and doing the same thing. Then the biggest (i guess Alpha-male) got pissed cause he thought i was another male, he went all around the beach and charged me, i quickly hid in the bath room and more elephants seals came and they all started to bang as hard as they could against the door. (I watched Finding Nemo before bed with the part where Bruce bangs against the missile pod.)While this was happening my mom , who was outside of the bathroom, kept reassuring me that they were cute harmless animals. I told her she was a Phsyco. I kinda forget What happens next but u gotta remember I'm in a bathroom , when your sleeping and u have to pee that's the WORST place u could dream, so wen i woke up i had an embarrassing situation.
Reply:=/ Yes unfortunately. Hopefully I'm not the only person reading this question that has nerve endings and dreams in colour while dreaming.

I actually had a really similar dream a few nights back that's.. just damn eerie.

The college orientation was actually for a high school, and six wonderful looking girls insulting this one poor kid. I broke a few of there ribs, and was banned from the high school which unlike your reaction I was pretty damn pleased with myself. The rest you described was pretty much the exact same copy.

These kinds of things happen allot to me for some reason. On a similar subject having a Saw 3 esque nightmare and feeling it at the same time is not all too fun.

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