I feel like i need a drug test just to look at someones profile. I remember adding someone and i had to wait untill they added me but first i had to enter in the security code then only look at a simple picture they can look at my profile then decide i just canceled my account after that...lol not worth all that when on myspace i can find out about a person before i add them as a friend...so if they are insane they wouldn't k now what college i went to or high school. and company i work at....its crazy. the only good thing i got out of face book was seeing some old friends.
Facebook vs myspace why should you choose facebook?
Well, I completely know where you are coming from. I hate that on facebook you need to send them a Friend request before you can even see their picture any bigger then a pennie. I think that, that is for sure one of facebook's biggest defaults. But keep in mind that that is a personal choice, like on myspace how you can block it, and make your profile private. To undo that though, is a hassle, and most people do not even no that you can. But, I had myspace for about 2 years before I got facebook, and I was always against getting facebook, until my ex-boyfreind made one for me. Then I realised that facebook is way cooler. lol Myspace is more music related, and for bands to promote themselves, and for little girl groupies who want to talk to them. I found that facebook has a larger group of my friends, and that it is much easier to find people. Because on facebook your main screen name is your full name, instead of on myspace how it can be anything, so its way easier to find a person that way. Also i like how it shows what Friends you have in commen with people, and how their is an option to see wall to wall, so you can follow your conversations, or someone elses. I think that i was on the same page as you were back in the day, but after a while, I officially switched over to facebook, and have been addicted ever since. I really think that you should give it another shot. Do it!!! : ]
Reply:I like the privacy you get from facebook. Also, I like the webpage layout - it looks nice and clean. I can't stand myspace because people don't understand that black text on a dark busy background is annyoing to read. Also, the amount of bots I hear are on it ... is rediculous.
Reply:myspace i think is more for bands and promoting.. facebook is more for talking and interacting with your friends.. i choose facebook over myspace any day.. and i have them both
Reply:Facebook is nice because you can find some of your old friends along with makings plenty of new ones.
Myspace is nice too. Both are good sites. You just gotta have good judgement and be careful on what you put on there.
good luck!
Reply:I have both, but I prefer facebook because users have fewer opportunities to customize. I HATE HATE HATE stupid sparkle graphics, animated backgrounds, and unreadable text that is so common on myspace because people have no clue what looks good... (Did you know that you can't read dark text on a dark background? Who knew!!) Luckily, most of my myspace friends are mature enough to have a profile that is readable and doesn't make my computer chug.
Also, the hijacking issue on myspace is really annoying. As far as I know, this isn't happening on facebook... yet. But, in general, you get less spam.
And the privacy is a big plus for those who don't just troll around looking at random profiles. On facebook, if you have a question as to who someone is after they send you a friend request, you can always send them a message! Only add those you know, and you will not have any psycho friends! If you're concerned about someone knowing where you go to school, simply sensor the information you give out and don't join a network!
Reply:well truthfully facebook is for younger people whose parents don't allow them to do stuff like that.See Facebook is 35 times safer than myspace so parents allow their kids to go on facebook and not on myspace because well its just not as safe....Well I hope I helped ya bye!Oh by the way if (this is for anyone reading this)if u r a kid under the age of 15 then I would suggest facebook well see ya!!!
Reply:Well if you are "that guy" who spends more time interacting with people on the internet than they do in real life (just like yahoo answers!) then well go for myspace, because you can lurk people, you can better personalize your profile... but if you realize that it is tedious to spend so much time on either of these sites, but still want to be able to keep in contact with friends and see pictures that people post, get Facebook.
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