Friday, November 13, 2009

What is wrong with this?check over this please!?

Hands Signals

Sign language is a way of communication with hand motions. It is a language that has a lot of expressive thoughts and feeling. ASL, American Sign Language, is the language of choice, for the majority of America’s culturally Deaf. ASL is movement that involves shapes of the hands, arms, eyes, face, head and body posture to communicate . American Sign Language is one of the most commonly used language in the United States. It a beautiful visual language. Sign language has it’s grammatical and semantics rules. Sign Language is now consired a “foreign” language. It’s is a requirement that you have to know an addional language for most college.

In1620 the first book on sign language for deaf people contained the manual alphabet. Abbe Charles Michel de l’ Epee a French teacher for the deaf taught that deaf people could develop communication with themselves and the hearing world through Sign Language. Abbe was a very creative guy. Then in 1778, Samuel Heinicke taught speech and speech reading. Samuel set up the first public school for the deaf.

Years ago people didn’t see the deaf, they were locked away, sometimes in the basement. And were treated very badly. The public and even family thought the deaf were dumb and mute.

One of the most famously persons know to people is Helen keller. Helen was deaf and blind. She was a fablious person. She learned to live a perfectly normal live, dispite being left without sight or hearing after a devartating illness.

Dr. I. king Jordon, a former Galludet university president stated, “Deaf people can do anything the hearing can do but hear.” For example Heather Whitestone, former miss America and Amy Ecklund, Christy Smith, Cara Miller, Marlee Martin, Deanne Brcay are only a fraction that prove that Dr. I .King Jordon statement was right. Some years ago William House, ENT surgeon came up with a theory. A surgical process that would make the profoundly deaf-mute hear. The surgery is called, Cochlear Implants. This would offer the deaf a new world of sound, music, and speech to those that lives in a soundless cocoon. This surgery is offered to children as early as 12 months and adults to their senior year of life. The cochlear implant works from picking up sound through a microphone in a headpiece that is worn at the ear. The sound is sent along a cable to a processor, a mini-computer which turn the sound into digital signals. The devices are worn on a belt or, in some models, at the ear level. The transmitter, is held by a magnet on the side of the head behind the ear, and sends the sound via radio waves across the skin to the impant. The devices stimulate the auditory nerve, sending impulse to the brain where they are interpreted as sound. It been proven by development therapist that children who know sign language have a higher language ability than those kids who don’t know sign language. Robert Weitbrect, a deaf scientist invented the tty (teletypewriter). It a unique way telecommunication device for the deaf. He invented it in the year 1963. This is a device that allows alphanumeric charachers to be typed in and sent, usually one at a time. It also includes the use of abbreviations and punctiation, it the way the deaf communicate as the haring world do. How helpful would sign language be to parent? Very young children who have not grasped the verbal language could communicate wants and needs to their parents without the frustrations. Crying would be eliminated. Peace would rein supreme. What is really cool is the research with primate such as chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans they are also capable of learning and using sign language.

In conclusion, mastering a second language such as ASL can not only be beneficial but, profitable in the workplace. 10% of the public is hearing impaired or deaf. 10% of the public has the power to purchase goods and services. The ability to communicate with our hands could mean money in our hands.It also been proven that those who know American Sign Language as infants score higher on Standradized test measure higher on tests of I.Q. and out perform their peers in a variety of social and academic arenas. Those who teach their children at a early age and countiued to learn different languages it comes more naturally to them. The brain is a weird thing. Even a different language coming from the parent the baby will attempt to communicate. Sign language proven to increases the parents’ bond and interaction with their children. A couple downsides to not knowing American Sign Language is that it comes with poor language skills, frustration, academic problems, and inadequate social skill may lead to school drop- out, delinquency, and even adult criminal behavior.

What is wrong with this?check over this please!?
Well, there are a few spellign errors, but those are really easy to fix. Microsoft Word can weed those out. Also, you may want to use more transitions, phrases such as, in addition to, therefore, also, then, thus, for example, etc. You should group things that deal with the same subject matter in consecuive paragraphs, sometimes it jums all over the place. You could start with the history, then fmous people, then the new tecnology that helps deaf people, then the ASL and about parents communicating with children,school, etc, just better organization in general. In addition to rearranging it, you should add a better conclusion, because ending it that way isn't satisying to the reader. You can end it like this: There is a vast history to deaf people, their ay struggles and their need to overcome the biggest obstacles in thir life. They started off their life not being able to hear the wolrd until new technology gave them the ability to hear. But, regardless of the new technology, many deaf people still go on living in the world, silent, still stuggling to overcome the obstacles of the eveyday. These obstacles that people who can hear take very lightly. Thus we see, deaf people have many struggles, but as long as they are accepted and are remembered and helped, there is a future for them all.

That's about it! good essay, though. Good luck.
Reply:You could start by using a spell checker, there are quite a few misspellings.
Reply:Other then you keep using the words "Sign Language" instead of replacing it with "it" when its repeated to much in the paragraph, it looks good. and Im american.


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